Compliance in one simple platform

End-to-end compliance in a single platform

Trustd allows your suppliers to self-serve, upload, manage, and share all relevant documents, including licences, insurances, and work permits, via Trustd’s automated compliance software. Automating your onboarding process, ensures all documents and terms are recorded and auditable.

Empower the workforce to take control of their own onboarding journey
Free up productive resources within compliance teams
Limit risk exposure by reducing human error

As regulation increases within every industry, the need for ongoing and proactive management and oversight of your workforce is paramount.

Trustd’s automated expiry notifications support individuals to keep ahead of their compliance requirements and will notify businesses if an employee’s status has changed.

Constant compliance through automation

Trustd’s cloud-based compliance tool will manage this for you throughout the entire supply chain:

  • Integrations with government databases
  • Near-real-time monitoring of drivers infarctions
  • Facilitate the development of safer fleets
  • Biometric checks to ensure validity
  • Customised to your specific industry and compliance requirements
  • Automated monitoring to ensure continued compliance

Proactive Monitoring

Keeping track of expiry dates and notifying users prior to expiry

Reactive Monitoring

Following up on any expired documentation and informing you should users no longer meet your compliance criteria.

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