Compliance in one simple platform

End-to-end compliance in a single platform

Trustd allows your suppliers to self-serve, upload, manage, and share all relevant documents, including licences, insurances, and work permits, via Trustd’s automated compliance software. Automating your onboarding process, ensures all documents and terms are recorded and auditable.

Empower the workforce to take control of their own onboarding journey
Free up productive resources within compliance teams
Limit risk exposure by reducing human error

A key part of any health and safety policy at companies where drivers regularly drive on business is the regular checking of driving licences to ensure that drivers are eligible to drive the class of vehicle they have been allocated.

We check driving licences for companies across the UK to give you the evidence that your drivers have a valid driving licence and that they have the correct vehicle entitlement to drive.

What is possible with a Driving Licence (DVLA UK) check?

The Driving Licence (DVLA UK) check will confirm whether the applicant has any driving offences/endorsements. The report will provide:

Type of offence with offence code

Amount of fines

Number of points

Date of offence

How long the offence will stay on the licence

Validity of LGV and PCV driving entitlements

Personal details such as name/address

Photograph as held by the DVLA to match liveness check

If the driver does not hold a UK driving licence, the check will confirm if they have received any endorsements or disqualifications whilst driving in the UK using their international licence.

Research by RAC Insurance has shown that only around one in 10 motorists (13%) would tell their employer if they received penalty points whilst driving.

Employers may be held liable for the actions of their employees if they allow them to drive on company business without a valid licence. While it is possible to manually check the driving license of all your drivers, this is often labour intensive and prone to error, especially if you have multiple drivers and are in an industry with a high churn.

The most effective way to minimise the manual overhead in keeping up to date with your driving license compliance is to use an automated system to perform licence checks. Trustd offers an online service, that provides comprehensive and up-to-date data on your drivers, directly from DVLA data, and even allows you to choose the frequency of the checks.

  1. Proactive risk reduction – Identify non-compliant drivers before they start.
  2. Ongoing monitoring – Our smart technology lets you define how often automatic checks are performed, so you can be notified of any changes immediately in order to take the appropriate action.
  3. Scalable solution – Our automated system can easily adapt to increases and decreases in volume and frequency depending on your business needs, so we can keep pace with your growth plans.

With HGV and motorcycle drivers holding various entitlements, frequent licence checks are crucial to build a larger overall compliance profile of the driver. This could include any changes to medical conditions that could affect an employee’s ability to drive.

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